Our Team
Experienced, Professional and Knowledgeable Practitioners
Chris Toal - Director
Chris is a MNZ RMT Deep Tissue and Sports Massage Therapist ScarsAway® Bodytool® Therapist and Educator. Bodywall® trainer TRE Trauma Release Exercise® therapist and is a former tutor at Wellpark College of Natural therapies. more
Chris is in his 60's and enjoyed successful careers in both the motor and oil industries before his life turned around when crewing on "White Cloud" in the 97 Trans Tasman yacht race. On their way to a 2nd place finish the crew were left battered and bruised by five days of severe storms. This left Chris with considerable loss of function and in need of damage repair. Deep tissue massage solved the problem, became an interest, and from there bodywork turned into his life's passion.
Chris collected a many injuries and broken bones while successfully competing in Offshore Power boating, Superbike motorcycle racing and Offshore Yacht racing, however it was when he discovered that the deep seated emotional and physical injuries from his early childhood were impacting his ability to function and affecting his current behaviours and relationships he set about resolving these issues. This led to the developing and acquiring a unique range of treatments designed to release physical and emotional pain trapped in the body.
After a year tutoring at Wellpark College of Natural therapies he returned to his deep tissue and abuse survivor work plus the refinement of these new therapies. Bodytool® ScarsAway®, the patented Bodywall® rehab / training system and TBT© Tennis Ball Technique for deep tissue self care in the home al flowed from this work.
Chris is also a feature writer with articles appearing in Fitness Life Magazine and trade journals and has been a regular columnist for Grownups New Zealand.
Chris holds a number of directorships of companies functioning in the health sector and is a Director of: Wellness at Work Ltd, Azolla Health Ltd, Director Bodytool Ltd, ScarsAway (Aust) Pty Ltd, Bodywall Ltd and Bodywall Physiotherapy Ltd
Alla Kalinina - Aesthetic Therapist
Alla is a qualified FUSAF FFVS Rehabilitation Instructor and Aesthetic Therapist.
Since 1999 Alla has been busy investing her time obtaining and applying her skills in fitness, rehabilitation and fitness training. She holds a BSc in Fitness Physical and sports training from Ukraine National Technical University in Kiev. Alla has also completed additional studies in Yoga, Pilates level 1&2, Basic Aesthetic Cosmetology and holds a level 3 Certification in Modern Choreography.
Her students have successfully competed at many of Ukraine’s national dance festivals winning in the Modern Category at Cervona Ruta-99 and Alla was lead choreographer of the show-ballet "SV". With a passion for rehabilitation among her many qualifications she is a Port De Bras© instructor and is now certified by Port De Bras© for training this wonderful and gentle rehab method in NZ. She is also an Aqua Aerobics instructor and is well known in Ukraine for working with children with Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy. A total dance nut Alla is also a Zumba instructor.
Alla is highly communicative with a great sense of humour and speaks several languages English and Polish (spoken) Italian, Russian, Ukrainian (fluent).
Since December 2015 she has been completing her training in Bodywall® rehabilitation-fitness training and ScarsAway® dermal rehabilitation therapy.
Injury Consultation & Advice
Spending months in treatment with an unresolved injury? Maybe we can help!
We often successfully treat unresolved injuries by treating what we call masked injury events. These are injuries that happened at the same time as a major injury but simply got shoved to one side and ignored at the time only to haunt you later on for months or even years with chronic pain. This occurs because the primary injury was considered extremely urgent, more urgent than the secondary or masked injury the one that is now causing all your problems!
An example would be a fall on your butt and an injury to your coccyx. The searing pain and the threat to your spine get’s all your attention. What you didn’t realise at the time was that you also badly tore an abdominal muscle because your abs were busy keeping your head from whacking into the ground. So those torn abs are now shortened with pain and your spinal muscles have to adjust to compensate. Now both these muscle groups are crushing the intervertebral discs causing them to bulge and deliver stabbing sharp pain into your lower back and months or even years later you have a chronic lower back pain that no one can treat.
When you get desperate enough you may even try to solve it surgically. Which is really not your best option; read more here and here.
Often things that can seem unrelated are totally tied together! When we assess you with our exclusive Body Audit© we take all these things into account. And remember we offer No Change No Charge treatments! Give us a call if you need some advice or ask for an info pack.
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We've been successfully delivering low cost health solutions since 1997.
Daily tips to get you well ... and keep you well!
Here's why drinking water is important!
Water is so important life itself can't happen without it, and the same applies to you. But just how important is it for you to start your day with water? Simple really, you're more water than the planet is and the water you drink is your tide! If you can imagine living alongside a harbour where the tide never came in or out to flush it clean, it wouldn't take long for it to be a dirty smelly mess. Now maybe you can understand YOU NEED to drink water! It's one of the best way for the body to clean itself.
Feeling low on energy? Water is also used by the body to MAKE energy! We use water to convert Adenosine diphosphate which is essential to the flow of energy through in the body. Water is used for hydrolysis of ATP your muscles 'energy source'. Hydrolysis literally means "water loosening" so water loosens ATP so you can get to use it in your muscles. Without ATP you would drop dead in an instant! You need around 2 litres per day, even more if you are exercising hard and need more energy, around a litre per hour!
Citrus fruit first thing ... and an apple to wake up!
In a compost bin the natural chemicals and acidity in citrus peels can drive many species worms away because many don't particularly like citrus. The same applies for many microorganisms they don't like citrus either. In fact citrus can kill off some of bugs you want in compost bins slowing the decomposition and making the compost bin less efficient. Now in 'your' gut if you only want to grow the 'right' kinds of bugs, eating a piece of citrus fruit before you eat anything else is a great way to start off your day and be kind to yourself. It will kill off the bugs you don't want and kick start your day!
If you need a snack on the road to wake up, or need a bit of a lift at morning coffee break? Eating an apple is a much healthier alternative to drinking a cup of coffee. An apple is high in natural (healthy) sugars that deliver a similar effect to caffeine and the vitamins from apple skins are released slowly throughout the body making you feel more awake. No big up, but No big down either. Add this to the fact that all the protective phytonutrients and antioxidants in apples may even help to reduce the risk of you developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease and an apple a day is a big plus.
Wash your body without soap!
If you had to 'buy' the moisturiser you already have on your skin, it would cost you a fortune! It is DNA matched specifically to your skin, designed just for you and you alone! When you wash with soap you remove this $ billion dollar moisturiser, your skin becomes dry the oil glans in the skin work overtime to secrete lots more oil which ages then oxidises and because there's so much of it, it goes 'off' so it smells and so do you.
So, to be really clear someone has advertised 'sold' you a $6 or $8 dollar product. Soaps are normally a combination of fat and caustic materials, and non-soapy detergents are largely petroleum by-products. So using these chemicals you remove a hundred billion $ product that's already there. Then they sell you a $70 or $150 moisturising product to replace the invaluable one you just washed off. You age your skin prematurely and pay someone for the privilege of looking old before your time!
Now if you really need to really clean your hands then just use soap and water and rub ... vigorously don't use antibacterial soaps. Recently Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble Co and Colgate-Palmolive have been forced by the FDA to remove 19 ingredients and reformulate products their anti bacterial products because they were considered dangerous. The FDA says for antibacterial purposes washing with “plain soap and running water remains one of the most important steps consumers can take to avoid getting sick and to prevent spreading germs to others."
Want to lose weight? Chew your food & eat olives!
There are no teeth down in your stomach intestines or bowel. So, if you gulp your food down in lumps and in a rush, your body has to process it in lumps and this doesn't work so well. Food going down in lumps like this means your system can't easily extract the essential vitamins or nutrients you need from that food and you will feel hungry, not satisfied, and need to eat again soon! You could even eat a fabulous 93% fat free meal and still gain weight because you are not processing your food the way your body needs to ... chew, it will help you to break down the food so you can digest it, and you will enjoy the real flavour of the food.
Olives, you either love them or hate them, but for controlling appetite they are gold pure gold! Experts recommend taking a day 7 olives they work well as an evening meal starter and rich in mineral content as sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and iodine. Eating 10 olives before a meal reduced appetite by 22% according to studies in Italy because the monounsaturated fatty acids in olives are slower to digest they stimulate the hormone cholecystokinin, that tells your brain you feel satisfied and these acids also stimulate the production of adiponectin, a chemical that burns fat for five hours after ingestion.
Loaded with B vitamins and Pro vitamin A and E. Essential amino acids and oleic acid, which has beneficial properties to protect the heart they also contain polyphenols, natural chemicals that reduce oxidative stress in the brain and research shows eating a daily serve of olives can improve memory by up to 25%. Olives can even improve the appearance of wrinkles by 20%.
Health Articles Worth Reading
The art of relaxing
Neuroscience says listening to this song reduces anxiety by up to 65 percent! Sure to both stir your soul and calm your nervous system. Read more
latest Fertility News
Scientists say they have evidence that new eggs can grow in adult ovaries, something that had previously been considered impossible. Read more
Sugar & obesity; we were played!
The sugar industry paid scientists in the 1960s to play down the link between sugar and heart disease and promote saturated fat as the culprit. Read more
I see red, I see red, I see red!
EVER wondered what energy drinks are really doing to your body? Find out what Red Bull does to your body after just one can! Read more
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Provide us with a quick outline of your health issues and we will send you relevant info and references from others that have been where you are and are now well. Stop struggling; this is not living - you are supposed to be clear headed and happy.